Thursday, November 16, 2006

Day 12 and 13

I really need to do better at writing things down again. When I don't blog that night I forget what I had yesterday.
Day 12:
8:00 - oatmeal with banana
11:00 - vege burger with homemade (mom) basil spread - very yummy
3:00 - yogurt
7:00 - chicken, rice, lentils, tad green bean casserole,
tea and grapes later for dessert.

We had a great small group last night. We were talking about inner beauty and what really makes a woman beautiful.
I have a very hard time not tying my weight into whether or not I feel beautiful. It has helped now that I am at least working on the problem and not over eating.
Maybe someday I will truly see myself as God sees me.

Day 13:
8:00 - oatmeal
12:00 - chicken, rice and lentils (that chicken is sooooo good)
5:00 - homemade pizza (oatmeal crust, tomatoes and basil) oh my gosh this is great!
Think I over ate on the pizza. It was the best thing I have had in a while. That is what is going to be hard not overeating on healthy things. It is amazing how good some healthy things taste!

See my other blog to see my nugget from God today

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