Thursday, October 25, 2007

Day 358 and 357/day 2 and 3

Day 2

8 am - Oatmeal with Stevia
9:00 - Yoga class
11:00 - brown rice/zucchini/onions/tomato
1:00 - yogurt, banana
2-4:00 - physical therapy
5:00 pm - salad/tomato/soynuts/lowfat dressing
7:00 - Banana/pear/grapes with Yogurt
Decaf spiced chai, splash milk

Day 3

8:00 am - Oatmeal with Stevia
9:15 - 40 min workout 20 oz. water
12:30 Salad/tomato/soynuts
3:15 - yogurt/banana 20 oz. water
5:30 - brown rice/tomato/onion/spinach
1/2 pear Water
7:30 - 4 oatmeal/apple cookies

I am feeling really good. My emotions are much better, I feel good about me right now.

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